Student FAQ’s
Student FAQ’s
METS Training Services deliver Nationally Recognises Qualifications within Community Services, Children Services, Retail, Business, Supply Chian Operations and Leadership & Management
We provide our training course in a range of delivery options: Traineeships, School Based Traineeships (SBAT), Self-funded Studies and Short courses
Looking to recommend a course?
Ways to train
A traineeship is typically a year-long program that combines two primary modes of training: classroom learning, for structured learning opportunities, and on-the-job training and experience.
You can study by correspondence, with assistance being offered by qualified METS trainers over the phone and via emails if needed. This option is offered when courses are undertaken via self-funded study.
In Person
We offer select courses to be completed via classroom learning.
Contact us to learn more.

Traineeships 101 – Before you begin
To be eligible to commence a traineeship, a participant must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident working full or part time (minimum 15 hours). The participant must have the support of their employer, an accredited RTO (like METS) and an Australian Apprenticeship Centre.
Check to see if you are eligible here:
Finding a traineeship is similar to finding any job. You’ll need to network with employers and job recruitment agencies and market yourself within your chosen sector.
A New Entrant Trainee is any participant who has begun/will begin their traineeship within 3 months of full time employment or 12 months of part time employment. The NSW state Government may fund METS for these traineeships and therefore the only cost incurred to the participant /employer is the enrolment fee. Concessions do apply and incentives are available to eligible students.
An Existing Worker Trainee is any participant who has begun/will begin their traineeship after 3 months of full time employment or 12 months of part time employment. Unlike New Entrant Traineeships, the NSW State Government does not fund METS for Existing Worker Traineeships and therefore METS must invoice the employer to cover the training costs. In most cases the incentives the employer receives from the Commonwealth Government will offset these costs.

Self-Paced Learning
Everything you need to know about studying by correspondence
If you are ineligible for a traineeship due to your employment status (casual, part-time working under 15 hours etc.), you can still complete the course through a Self-Paced course. Depending on your circumstances, you maybe eligible for Smart and Skilled funding or choose to enrol through a Fee-for-Service payment arrangement.
For those ineligible for a traineeship due to residency status, completing the qualification may still be possible through a Fee-for-Service option, although Visa restrictions may apply. We recommend consulting with your immigration officer and reaching out to us for guidance on your specific eligibility and options. For more information click here: Learn more about Smart and Skilled
Self-paced learning is an adaptable and flexible delivery method that allows you to study independently at your own pace and convenience using our online Learning Management System (LMS). This approach enables you to progress through the material at a pace that suits your individual needs and schedules. To ensure a guided and enriched learning experience, you will be assigned a dedicated trainer and assessor who provides personalised support, answers questions, and offers expert guidance throughout the learning journey. This blend of independence and mentorship will help you build confidence, stay motivated, and achieve your educational goals effectively.
Yes. Depending on the qualification you will need to complete a range of practical assessments. Your trainer and assessor will be able to assist you with the best way to complete the practical assessment tasks.

Ways to Pay
Everything you need to know about your payment options and government funding
Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It helps people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.
The Smart and Skilled program provides eligible learners with an entitlement to government-subsidised training up to and including Certificate III government funding for higher-level courses (Certificate IV and above) in targeted priority areas.
From 2015, Smart and Skilled introduces new prices and fee arrangements for government-subsidised courses. The NSW Government contributes to the cost of each course and the learner pays the balance. Fees are for the whole course, rather than year-by-year. Fee exemptions and concessions are also available for disadvantaged learners.
If a participant feels they may be ineligible for a traineeship due to their residency status, it is best to speak to your immigration officer and/or us regarding your eligibility.
Fee for Service is an option if you are not eligible for Smart and Skilled Government Funding but still wishes to complete a course.
METS offer all qualifications through Fee for Service including RPL courses, First Aid, Child Protection course.
Contact our administration team for more information on 02 9838 0567.

Studying with METS Training Services
Everything you need to know about payment options
Depending on the unit of study, you will complete both theory and practical based assessments to achieve competency in your qualification. Assessments may include short answer, project work, case students and reflection logs.
Not at all! A ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ means just that; that you still need a little extra work to achieve competency. Your trainer and assessor will contact you regarding any issues and will work with you to develop your understanding and in turn achieve competency. We will allow up to 3 re-attempts at competency, after which a fee will be payable (see Learner Handbook – The Study Process).
You will be assigned to a qualified trainer/assessor to support and guide you through your training journey and mark your assessments. You will be advised of who your trainer is by receiving a Trainer Profile Form at the beginning of your training journey. A qualified trainer will mark all of your assessments and will notify you of your competencies via email or phone.

Traineeships and Employers
We will endeavour to complete student inductions within 4 weeks from the enrolment start date and will contact you regarding these matters. However if you have any concerns, please contact us.
Yes. You should be relieved from routine work duties, with pay, for a minimum of 3 hours per week for full time trainees and 1.5 hours per week for part time trainees, averaged over a 4 week period for the purpose of undertaking formal training/learning/assessment activities*. A trainee should contact us if they have any concerns regarding this time.
*Extracted from NSW Apprenticeship/Traineeship – Training Plan as per NSW State Training Services regulations.
Yes, however your training contract will need to be amended by your Australian Apprenticeship Centre and incentives will need to be cancelled. METS Training Services will need to be notified of the change to discontinue training with your previous employer. METS Training Services is able to re-enrol you under a new Traineeship contract with your new employer. Speak with your trainer and assessor or METS administration team if you have any questions.
Both you and your employer should be in agreement regarding the cancellation of your traineeship. One or both parties can then contact us to notify us of the cancellation. We will inform the Australian Apprenticeship Centre and forms will be sent to the employer to be signed and sent back. If you have received any competencies in your qualification, you will be issued with a statement of attainment which can be used for credit transfer if training recommences. Unfortunately, the enrolment fee is non-refundable if training has commenced.
If you are having problems with your employer, you should contact the Industrial Relations helpline on 131 628 or Training Services NSW on 13 28 11.

Extensions etc.
Extentions and more!
You should allow up to 28 days for your certificate to arrive in the mail, providing all required documentation has been received and course fees have been paid. If you have an outstanding enrolment fee or unsigned forms, this can attribute to your certificate being delayed. We will do all we can to contact you regarding these issues, however please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns.
Yes. Under certain circumstances your traineeship may be extended, however this process may take some time and applying for an extension should be considered as a last resort. You are able to speak with your trainer and assessor, METS administration team and/or your Australian Apprenticeship Centre if you are considering applying for an extension.
The process for applying for an extension should happen at least 8 weeks before your end date.
Yes. However you will need to contact your Australian Apprenticeship Centre and State Training to have your training plan amended. We will be notified of the suspension and will discontinue training until your traineeship recommences.
METS Refund Policy can be found under Fees and Refunds in the Learner Handbook available on our website here.

Other Questions
When your New Entrant Traineeship is registered with State Training, you will receive a letter stating your TCID number. With this number you can fill in the Travel Concession form found here. Unfortunately Existing Worker Trainees are not eligible to receive a travel concession card. We can not provide you with your TCID number. For any enquiries contact State Training on 13 28 11.
No. You will have three months from the time of your Certificate III completion to roll over to a higher traineeship to still be considered as New Entrant. You will need to complete the traineeship as an Existing Worker if you don’t enrol within this three month time frame.
In most cases, yes. You could undergo the process of Recognition of Prior Learning to obtain a qualification. It is best to speak to us regarding eligibility and pricing or click here to contact us.

RPL frequently asked questions
The purpose of RPL is to recognise and acknowledge an individual’s skills, knowledge, and experience acquired through non-formal or informal learning. It allows individuals to gain credit or formal qualifications for their existing competencies, which can help in career advancement or further education.
Evidence can include documents such as certificates, transcripts, work samples, portfolios, references, testimonials, and even demonstrations of practical skills.
Successful completion of the RPL assessment can result in the award of partial or full qualifications, depending on the assessed competencies.
Most RPLs can be completed within 6 weeks to 12 weeks, however it may take longer depending on how many hours you set aside each week for the course and how quickly it takes you to gather the required evidence.
Yes, you will need to complete an RPL Pre-Assessment. Completing the RPL Pre-Assessment is to ensure that you meet the criteria to be eligible to enrol into the RPL course. After the trainer and assessor assess your RPL Pre-Assessment, you be contacted to be informed if you are eligible to be enrolled. If you are not eligible, you may be offered alternative training options.